A Brief Overview of Endocrine Tumors in Men

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A Brief Overview of Endocrine Tumors in Men

A man is a fully grown adult human with the physical features of a mature adult.men's bomber removable collar jacket Before adulthood, a human male is known as a boy. While some parents wish for their children to be born with male characteristics, in general this is not an advisable desire because a person with these characteristics will always be viewed as a boy and will always be treated as such by others. This means that a woman cannot wish to become pregnant with a boy because that perception would continue to affect her throughout her lifetime.

Masculinity inheres in the essence of a man, but it does not come from his chromosomes or his gender.men's bomber removable collar jacket men's bomber removable collar jacket What actually defines a man is his spirit and his personal character, both internal and external, which are determined by his physical and psychological make up. It is this combination of internal and external traits which grants him the ability to embody and project the ideal of masculinity. Masculinity is attributed to the act of impressing or bullying women, whereas maleness is attributed to the condition of having a penis and not acting upon that desire. A man means a man when he has achieved and matured into an acceptable male role model.

The basis for this definition is that there are specific hormones that determine the basic aspects of a man, and that these hormones, especially the male sex hormone testosterone, give him the features that we associate with being a male. There are also other hormones such as the female hormone estrogen that gives the features of a female, although they do not have an influence on the chromosomes of the male sperm. The result is that there are chiefly two distinct groups of males: the one that have the characteristics of maleness and the one that are the result of having the characteristics of masculinity. The primary sources of these hormones are the adrenal glands, the thyroid, the testicles, the pituitary gland, the pancreas, the ovaries, the lungs, and the adrenal cortex.

Research has found that over-activity of the thyroid is the cause of many men who are underdeveloped in terms of sexual abilities, while over-activity of the parathyroid glands is the cause of many men who are over-developed in terms of body mass index. Hypothetically, it could be possible that the hyperactive thyroid and the over-active parathyroid glands are caused by the inherited traits that each carries, with the hyperactive thyroid being passed on by one's parents, and the over-active parathyroid glands being passed on by one's grandparents. However, this hypothesis remains to be proven, and no conclusive agreement can be reached as regards this. It is believed however, that most of the time, hormonal abnormalities can be traced back to either the disease or hereditary conditions.

Hormones control several systems within the body, including: metabolism, immunity, cell regeneration, and growth. There are three major classes of hormones: androgens, estrogens, and phytoestrogens. Men who have too much of the estrogen hormones can suffer from obesity and endocrine problems. Women who have too much androgens can suffer from infertility problems. Androgens and estrogens both regulate levels of human growth hormone, which is essential for the normal functioning of the human growth hormones.

If these tumors are left unchecked, they can grow to sizes of up to 15 cm in diameter. This tumor can lie inside the follicle duct and may even go into the lymph nodes and other body tissues. It is important that any tumors that are found to be checked out by a physician. The physician can then determine if the growth of the tissue is benign or malignant. If it is benign, doctors can remove the growth and any affected tissues to see if the cancerous cells develop.

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